Eileen is the Hard Ink Puppy. If you want to know why her name is Eileen, you need to read Hard As It Gets (Hard Ink #1). You will laugh your ass off.
As far as books go, you could write anything, set it in Virginia and I'm going to attempt to read it.
Not set in Virginia? No worries, just make one of your characters a Virginian, odds are I'll give that a try too.
You want to get me, I mean, really get me (fyi, me = crazy, book boyfriends are real and I will stalk them to them to the ends of the earth kind of chick)? Take a lesson from Laura Kaye.
Do you know what she did? She made Shane McCallan from Southern Virginia. Those two words had me. They are all I focused on the entire time I was reading the book. Because *squeeee* I'm from Southern Virginia too!
She could've written "Shane McCallan has muscles, ripped abs, tattoos and is from Southern Virginia" for 300 pages and I probably would've loved every minute. I know, I know, I'm a little off my rocker. So what?
Anyhow, lets do this thing, shall we.
I love these Hard Ink Boys. They are working hard to clear their names and to save innocent people in the process.
Shane has some leftover baggage from his childhood and yeesh, he carries some heavy duty guilt. Crystal, she has suffered so terribly because of her father and for the sake of her sister. I'm so glad these two found each other. They help each other in ways that they didn't know they needed. And they are so good together.
I really enjoy the fact that the heroines in this series are not the weak, woe is me, someone save me types. They are strong women who are doing what they need to do and will continue to do it with or without help. They get knocked down, they get back up and keep going. I absolutely love it.
And the sexy times? Woo! Hot! But, honestly, I would read this even without them (but I'm glad I don't have to). The suspense... so much suspense! I was holding my breath at certain points, almost afraid of what might happen.
Even more than that, I'm so curious to find out how deep this cover-up goes. And I have to know what was in those files at Confessions.
This was so good, and I am going to be waiting very impatiently for the next one.
One last thing: For the record, I want to stab Bruno in the eyes with a fork.
*copy received from author in exchange for an honest review
Oh yeah, and if you click on the source link, Laura Kaye is giving away Amazon Gift Cards!