If you've read my reviews, you may have picked up on the fact that I don't usually read blurbs and if I do, I scan them. I'm a title/cover whore. Sorry! I saw the words "bear" and "shifter" and I was on it.
That being said, if there is a phrase I never want to see or hear again its got to be "crap on a cracker". I was waiting and waiting for it to stop and thank goodness it finally did.
This book seemed a little bipolar. The first half seemed a little campy and silly and then, wham, it turns all serious, heavy and suspenseful.
Once I got past the silliness, I was intrigued and didn't want to put it down. I really think if the first half was re-written to be a little less campy and the title was a little better suited it might make more sense.
There was a good sexual tension built up and the sexy times were good. And the ending left me curious as to the what would be going on in the next book. I have some theories, but who knows.
I enjoyed it once it got going in a good direction. I just wished it had been a little quicker to do that.
*copy received from netgalley in exchange for an honest review.